
access mean中文是什么意思

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  • 例句与用法
  • Live access means that the user has access to view the object when it is rendered , but that is all
    Live access意味着用户具有查看所呈现的对象的访问权,但仅此而已。
  • To provide public services to business and the community with 24 - hours - a - day , 7 - days - a - week access through a wide range of electronic access means
  • Using the facilities to be provided and following the interface standards , one can use diverse access means to obtain services provided by different agencies
  • International direct dialling and wireless broadband internet access means a quicker and more convenient approach when holding business conferences or gatherings
  • For the time being , the standard 155mbits interface is widely deployed in equipment like fr , ddn , router and atm . with stm - 1 being adopted for accessing vip customers , private networks have also become a key access means
    目前fr 、 ddn 、路由器、 atm等设备都有155mbits的标准接口,由stm - 1接入大型客户,组成客户的专网也成为主要的接入手段。
  • In virtue of driving demand inland data access operation development , varied broad band access means develop rapid , thereinto broad band wireless access system become new specially trust of communicate company because of agility and shortcut
  • From the perspective of per port price , the ethernet access equipment owns an evident price advantage . however , taking into account the wiring cost and the equipment utilization ratio , its total investment would be far more expensive than other access means
  • Hang to other stockjobber again next door , investor is in open an account while , need trades to what he will use henceforth method , capital accesses means to undertake choosing , sign corresponding enlightened formalities and agreement with negotiable securities business ministry
  • Access means right , opportunity or means of reaching , using or approaching . the relations between subjects and objects is whether objects can satisfy subjects " needs . equal access to higher education has two standards : subjective needs and talent ( or students " mark )
    高等教育入学机会均等是主体人对高等教育入学机会是否满足其需要的价值关系,因此,我国高等教育入学机会均等涵义有两个方面,即满足城乡居民的教育需求和才能(高考成绩) 。
  • In areas where it is still too early to promote fiber access , xdsl , ethernet or cablemodem can be deployed to provide broadband , integrated and digitized services . gradually , such ad hoc technologies should be evolving to an all fiber access network , in which fiber optics , complemented by wireless access means , will ultimately play a leading role
    在发展光纤接入的条件还不成熟的地区和城市,可以选择xdsl 、以太网技术或者cablemodem等接入技术来开展宽带化的、综合化的、数字化的业务,并逐步过渡到光纤接入,过渡到以宽带光纤接入为主、无线接入为辅的宽带接入网。
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